Advanced Technology Associates Hawaii - web development, website promotion, search engine optimazation - SEO, home pages, computer graphics, software tutoring, computer aided drafting and digital photography services




45-302 Makalani St.,  Kaneohe, HI, U. S. A.  96744-2819
Phone: (808) 291-0348 / Fax: (808) 247-6443 
          Email -

Advanced Technology Associates Hawaii - web development, website promotion, search engine optimazation - SEO, home pages, computer graphics, software tutoring, computer aided drafting and digital photography services

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Kalalau Valley Beach, NaPali, Kauai, Hawaii picture taken by ATAH.NET photographer for

This sharply spired mountain range is called Nakeikionaiwi. 
Kalalaukai Valley with Kalalau Beach are in Foreground

Na Pali Coast, Kauai, Hawaii
Digital Photo Gallery

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On Site Computer Services

We also do tutoring for various software applications including internet browsers.    Computer repairs, upgrades and installations are also done on a one to one basis.  For these personal services call, e-mail or fax using the ATAH contact information provided at the end of this page.

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Jack Haleconia, Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii picture taken by ATAH.NET photographer for

Jack Haleconia
Oahu, Hawaii
Digital Photo Gallery

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On Line Computer Sales and Training

Presently we have a software inventory.  We also have some new and used hardware on hand.  Please email or call us for details and prices of products available.  The online training programs are presently not available.

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Waimanalo, from Makapuu, Oahu, Hawaii picture taken by ATAH.NET photographer for

Windward Oahu from Makapuu,
Waimanalo, Hawaii
Digital Photo Gallery

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Digital Photography Services

Many high and low resolution digital photographs are available online at:

Free low resolution shots are also immediately available at:

We also do custom photography to meet your needs.  Usually this often involves forensic marine surveying work, maritime engineering projects, scenery, flowers.  But we can adapt to other subjects as well.

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Kawainui Marsh, Kailua, Oahu, Hawaii picture taken by ATAH.NET photographer for

Kawainui Marsh, Kailua, Windward Oahu, Hawaii
Digital Photo Gallery

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Advanced Technology Associates Hawaii - Banner - Website Development, Web Marketing & Digital Photography Services
Copyright 2001 - 2010  Brian Trenhaile.
This page last updated on 02/16/10

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